Keeping grain dry and free from fungal growth is the most important requirement for safe storage. The maximum moisture content at which harvested grains can be safely stored is 12.5% unless the temperature is reduced below 15 Celsius (C).
Above the safe limit, fungi may develop and cause grain spoilage

Stored grain needs to be protected from insect infestation.
Did you know that….
- Serious infestation will occur within three months, even in situations where risk is minimised by cleaning harvesting equipment, grain store and the surrounding area.
- With poor hygiene, this interval is reduced to 6-8 weeks, and there is a greater risk of secondary effects such as moisture problems and fungal growth.
Fumigants are eradicants that clean up infested grain. They can also be regarded as a protectant in a sealed silo.

- The moisture content should be lower for longer periods of storage.
- Aeration is considered necessary for long term storage of grain to preserve the quality by keeping an even,cool temperature within the storage vessel. It is also a valuable tool for reducing the loss in grain quality caused by moisture, grain insects and mould.

Our buyers buy 365 days of the year, we recommend getting your Grain Listed with Feed Central, this includes Quality Assurance Inspections by Feed Central. It is also important to ensure cash flow and storage is adequate to market over an extended period.
Once your grain is Inspected (On-Farm or In-Lab) by Feed Central ,
we recommend you contact the Account Management team to set a realistic sale price and to update your grain prices during the listing period.