Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those effected by the recent flooding events. It’s heartbreaking to watch and we want to do whatever we can. If you have a need please let us know – 1300 669 429.
We wanted to let our clients know there is help available and here’s how to access the help.
Here’s How To Get Help:

Rural Aid Australia
Rural Aid is proud of its support of farmers and rural communities suffering the effects of drought, flood, fire or natural disaster.
To allow us to assist you we need to know who you are. If you’re a farming family in need of help, please let us know. If you know a farming family that needs help, tell them about this campaign.
Agricultural and Animal Services
Register for emergency fodder by calling the Agricultural and Animal Services hotline on 1800 814 647. Emergency fodder for flood-affected livestock is also available at these NSW locations:
- Casino – Primex site – 8am to 5pm daily
- Alstonville – McGregor Gourlay, 28 Kays Lane – 8am to 5pm daily
- Grafton – McGregor Gourlay, 42 Hyde Street, South Grafton – 8am to 5pm daily.
The fodder can be collected once you have registered with the hotline and have been notified of your allocation. Requests can also be lodged by emailing aasfa@emergency.dpi.nsw.gov.au

We also wanted to let you know that you shouldn’t need to worry about the quality of your hay during this time. Therefore we’re offering free Feed Testing NIR Services to anyone in flood effected areas.
Our NIR Feed Testing will allow you to understand the M.E., Crude Protein and 40 other parameters of your feed, ensuring your livestock get quality hay in their mouths during a time of need.
To utilise this offer please send a sample (here’s how to take a sample), and send it to our Laboratory at:
10775 Warrego Highway, Charlton Q 4250
Please include with the sample, your name, phone #, address, what type of product it is (Oaten, Lucerne, Barley) and a generous sample (see how much here)
If you need Feed Testing bags to be sent to you please CLICK HERE.
Offer valid till 30th April 2022. NIR Feed Tests only; Limits per client at Management Discretion. |