Posts by Neville Janke

Mark Chambers Organic Oaten Hay Farm

The Feed Central team members Tim Ford, Jim Watson and Madeleine Alexander headed out to Mark Chambers Organic Oaten Hay Farm in Marong VIC Australia. Here’s a quick video of…
Stephen Page from Feed Central doing silage core sample

Core Samples VS Grab Samples

Feed Testing
There are two samples that we receive here at our Feed Central labs to be tested and these are Core Samples and Grab Samples. The sample you send in to…

Silage Making Season!

Hay Bales
The silage making season is here and it’s important to know the nutritional value of your silage! Ever wondered how silage is made? Once the crop has been baled in…

Why Should You Feed Test?

Feed Testing
Quality is at the core of our business and we believe it should be at the core of your operation. If you are selling or buying fodder then here are…

How To Sample Your Pasture

Feed Testing
Feed test results are only as good as the sample submitted! You can only make the right decision if you have all the information.   There are a few important…